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Who we are:
Founded 2018, Resolve Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with headquarters in Illinois.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to take advantage of modern technology in promoting youth fitness, social awareness and civic engagement as a means of driving social change and finding lasting solutions to chronic social problems in order to build a better world.
What we do:
We create programs and invest in people and organizations that harness the powers of technology and collaboration to educate youths, encourage healthy lifestyles, civic engagement and financial literacy.
Our target audience:
Our media outreach work is centered around millennials and youths of high school and college-age groups; and are focused on helping them, in this vulneable age, to learn the adulting skills that generally are not taught in schools.
Our causes:
We are especially passionate about finding lasting solutions to chronic problems such as high college loan debts, economic disempowerment, declining health and broadening safety challenges affecting our younger generations. We will work in partnership with youths and other organizations to develop and execute programs and activities that protect youths against these and other social challenges.
Our future outlook:
We believe that bringing to bear the powers of modern technology and the high energy of our youths, through social engagement, will help us to reach a more impactful outcome and enable us cultivate a healthy and pragmatic society characterized by equity, justice, integrity, tolerance and people empowerment.
Resolve Foundation is an All-Volunteer Organization led and driven by millennials with passion to make a difference in the lives of our younger generations and with strong desire to transform our communities for a better future. Accountability, transparency, high ethical standards and result orientation are our basic strategy to success. Our goal is youth-centric and our programs are youth-driven. We are working hard to increase our volunteer and funding base as we look to grow into a large public charity with strong name recognition for our accomplishments. We rely on the selfless sacrifice of our ever-growing volunteers and the generous donations by private citizens, businesses and organizations alike. Thank You!
Safety at home, at school, on internet and around. Not too much to ask! In our upcoming podcasts and outreach campaigns on Safety, we will be providing programs that educate and engage our youths on best safety practices including general safety, internet safety, sports safety and others. Please support our Podcast creation with your generous donations. Meanwhile you can join the discussions at #iResolveToBeSafe!
We are working to improve financial awareness among students and parents and to promote merit-based free education and debt forgiveness through our public awareness campaigns. Resolve Foundation will also invest in providing academic based financial support to the most needy of our college youths, especially in the areas of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine. Please join our blog at #iResolveToBeDebtFree!
Physical and mental fitness of youths today is our assurance for a healthy and prosperous future. Resolve Foundation seeks to engage, educate, and empower youths to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and good nutrition as a way to reverse the declining trend in physical and mental health among youths. We also support research programs that seek to develop accurate and early diagnosis of all health problem especially mental disorders and cancer among youths and programs that track drug effectiveness and promote accurate individualized prescriptions for these challenging health conditions. What ways can we make healthcare more efficient and affordable? Check out our Podcast series at #iResolveToBeHealthy!
Copyright © 2018 Resolve Foundation - a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID: 82-4269918). All rights reserved
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